Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Left

I am, generally, a fairly unpleasant person. Seriously! I have been told dozens of times, “When I first met you I thought you were a total asshole but once I got to know you …” The social niceties are not something I give much time to or pay a great deal of time worrying about. This attitude allows me to be honest in my dealings with people. Nobody expects Finrod to be nice, so when I say I think someone is a waste of good genetic material, no one is really surprised and some are even appreciative. Honesty is liberating in social interaction. Be truthful in word and deed, those are good words to live by, which leads me to “The Left”. Now I don’t mean left like left hand, left lane, leftovers, I mean “The Left “as in the political left. These are the people who have plagued me my entire life. Background is essential here in understanding how much I hate these people. I was a boy when I watched my father return from Vietnam and was pelted with trash by “peace activists” for being the devil incarnate. I was a teenager when we were stationed in Germany and a mob of “peace activists” roamed through our gov’t housing, laying waste to anything at hand, protesting our presence in Germany because we were the devil incarnate and those nice Soviets didn’t really mean us any harm. When I say I hate these people, I’m not being dramatic, I hate these people with a hate reserved for people like Hitler and Stalin. The other day, someone talked to me about how the two sides need to talk and learn to understand each other. What’s to understand? What’s there to talk about? I have no interest in talking, I want to defeat them, completely, utterly, and finally.

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